Grant Sparks💥 links page.

Grant Sparks ✨⚡💥

Chief Spark Instigator

ignite your dreams

achieve your goals

Grant’s passion in life is to ignite lives of explosive significance. His passion leads him to create things. Grant creates businesses. He created the State of the Spark, and co-founded Spark Sites and Spark Bookkeeping. Grant trains passionate people to create and launch their own mission-driven small business to help them ignite lives of explosive significance. He has created 7 books including ‘H.O.P.E. from Here to Haiti’‘Go MAD’, and ‘The Top 100 Dream Igniter’; and he blogs regularly.

latest articles

The Most Insidious Kind of Hate

Self-hate has carte blanche with personal insults. How can you begin to cultivate self-love? Start by telling yourself the things an adoring father or mother would tell you. Continue by telling yourself the things you crave for your lover to say to you.

To the Creators Go the Rewards

It’s far too easy to tear down and criticize acts of creation.It’s much harder to complete one. However the lasting, vital rewards go to the creators.

The Myth of Herman-Henry Melville

We love hero stories, yes. We also love failure stories a little too much. Herman Melville was forgotten as ‘Henry Melville in his obit. But it’s not true.

the spark show

Listen to Grant Sparks with The Spark Show on Spotify.

Listen to Grant Sparks on wherever you listen to podcasts.

Watch Grant Sparks with The Spark Show on YouTube.

Learn how to Spark Vision, Ignite Success, Explode Significance, and Radiate Purpose!


relationship development

Years of experience in sales, client success, and relationship development; Grant helps you level up your professional and personal relationships!


team leadership

Leadership, identify a person’s “modality”, and improve your communication to ensure success.


Learn the temperament systems available, which ones have the best application, and what others are looking for in every interaction.


Grant has written 7 books. These books include H.O.P.E. from ‘Here to Haiti’, ‘Go MAD’, ‘The Top 100 Dream Igniter’, and ‘The 7 Day Homework’.

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Grant believes that to make a sustainable impact in the world, people need to build cause-driven projects and businesses. He loves to find meaningful ways help others with their dreams. Below are some of Grant’s projects that help other people explode significance.

Professional, affordable website design and WordPress Support.

Training and equipping cause-driven small businesses and teams.

Helping business owners find success and profit through their bookkeeping.

let’s connect

Thank you for your interest in receiving training from Grant Nieddu! It is our hope that through our training you will be able to spark vision, ignite success, explode significance and radiate purpose.

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