Spark Seasons

Episode 213 – EVERY Offering Needs Marketing

Episode 213 - EVERY Offering Needs Marketing Can Something Sell Itself? Nope. Never. Not gonna happen. If you had a stellar offering, would it sell itself? HECK NO! Every offering in the world is just an idea. If you look at the word, it...

Episode 212 – The 1 Reason I Didn’t Quit My Mastermind

What you derive from each of these mastermind groups can vary based on why they started. But ALL of them fail for the same reasons. A member of a mastermind group will stop because they no longer feel they are getting value that is more core to the human experience.

When to Stand and Fight as Marketing

When and how you fight back is marketing because it affects your Tribe. The methods by which you fight back will carry the rest of the way. Remember the goal: to model to those who are entrusting you as the protector of the brand how your Tribe responds to these situations.

Are You Crafting You?

Craft is the fine work of refining yourself. We’re all seeking happiness. But how can we all craft our happiness when we’re all unique?

A New Reverence For the Old

We reverence the new. Instagram is creating new ways to communicate with each other. Harvard researchers have created news ways to control drones with the mind. Banksy has introduced new styles in art to increase our interest in both politics and art. Elon is building...

The Trial and Error Biz Pro

If we spent 10,000 hours tinkering would we master the craft? Probably not. In business, we need to adopt the trial-and-error mentality to win.

The Most Insidious Kind of Hate

Self-hate has carte blanche with personal insults. How can you begin to cultivate self-love? Start by telling yourself the things an adoring father or mother would tell you. Continue by telling yourself the things you crave for your lover to say to you.

To the Creators Go the Rewards

It’s far too easy to tear down and criticize acts of creation.It’s much harder to complete one. However the lasting, vital rewards go to the creators.