The concept of having a major definite purpose is one that I first learned about from Bob Proctor, whose teachings I greatly admire. In his early 2000s work, particularly the audio "The Power to Have It All", Proctor introduces the idea of having a clear, definite...
Explode Significance
Where Are The Unique Voices
A woman bleeds out on an unnamed roadway. Where is the person trained in CPR or emergency response to help her, while desperately waiting for the paramedics to arrive which, in this case, would arrive too late? A teen, torn between cultures, his dark curls tumbling...

The Support Lakeland App with Chris Hinojosa
Support LKLD App with Chris Hinojosa. To help restaurant clients digitize their web presence quickly in Corona impact, he built the Support Lakeland app.
now Creating.
now Creating. (poem by Grant R. Nieddu) You have a responsibility to create more than you consume. Create today.
Do You Create?
Do you create
 more than you consume?
In your busy life
 do you make room
for the act of creation,
 success’s womb,
to impact the world
 before you’re entombed?
Episode 215 – Mission and Margin
You’ve got to have both Mission AND Margin to achieve your BIG GOAL.Mission needs Margin. Margin needs Mission. You can’t have one without the other.

The Rainbow Waters of the Grand Prismatic Spring
It’s no wonder that Yellowstone is the world’s first national park, as it is truly a magical place that needs to be preserved. The park is absolutely massive, covering over 2 million acres in three states (Montana, Wyoming and Idaho). It sits on the only active...

Weekend Trip to Georgia’s Little Grand Canyon
Last weekend was yet another moment where I had the opportunity to break out of my “I can’t do that because…” mentality. My heart has been craving a good hike for months now, but I live in one of the flattest states in the country. Don’t get me wrong, I love the...

The Best Apps for Your Next Hiking Trip
When it comes to trips vacations and adventures, I am the ultimate planner! The way I see it is that if I have as many knowns about the area as possible, then I can be ready to go off the beaten path and take on adventure when it arises. I research state and national...