Spark Seasons

Confronting Pain like a Samurai

Boldness is a term often associated with courageous acts, but what does being bold truly entail? Sometimes, being bold signifies confronting your pain head-on, acknowledging its existence, and deciding to do something about it. Just like a brave warrior preparing for...

Unleashing the Power Within: Bob Proctor’s Major Definite Purpose

The concept of having a major definite purpose is one that I first learned about from Bob Proctor, whose teachings I greatly admire. In his early 2000s work, particularly the audio "The Power to Have It All", Proctor introduces the idea of having a clear, definite...

Be a Doer

Be a Doer

Writers are people who write. Hikers are people who hike.

You are not a writer because you have a typewriter or an idea for a book. You are a writer if you write.

You are not a hiker because you have the gear or have plans for that great thing one day. You are a hiker if you hike.

You Know What To Do

I have been quite distracted of late. I keep pushing off the discipline I need with excuse thoughts. "When I am working from the desk or home office again, I will write." "When Marissa and I are good, then I will fast or eat right." "When I am in a better state of...

You Are Made for More

Remember this today: you are made for far more than you have done to date. You know this, too. It is the source of your craving for "more". Though the "More" craving can cause some angst, it pales in comparison to the self-doubt that arrives when you don't act on your...