As soon as humanly possibly, stop winning on pricing alone. Quit focusing on “owning the market share” and start focusing on “owning the market profitability”.
Spark Training

What Focusing on the Right Things Feels Like & Night Fires ?? "What the crap SHOULD I focus on?" I can't tell you how many times I have heard a client say this. And, at higher levels of success, hitting new plateaus can be devastating. It not only can affect your own financial success,...

Too Busy to Meditate
It’s hard to put a metric on feeling better, but it’s not hard to notice! If you think you are too busy to meditate you may be surprised how easy it is to find the 5 minutes. Meditation Tools, Breathing tools and training.
Thought Theft in the Knowledge Age
There is a ton of Thought Theft in the Knowledge Age. This is what it looks like. "There are times when you must rely on a person for something. If done repeatedly, however, it becomes taking advantage of that person, and is rude of a samurai." - Hagakure Service...
Etiquette of a Samurai and How Spark Samurai Treat Others
"The etiquette of a samurai is to calm himself and deal with people in a good manner. To treat a person harshly is the way of middle-class lackeys." - Hagakure I find it hilarious that even in the 1600's samurai writers are dogging the middle class. Aside from that, I...
I Lost a Friend Today & It Crushed Me
I Lost a Friend Today & It Crushed Me; Marcus Aurelius on Building a Business; 3 Tips on Controlling Your Emotions; & How You Deal w/ Yourself
Entrepreneurs Stop Doing Everything
(This great reminder came from Roger James Hamilton, a passionate entrepreneur trainer.) I see it all the time with my emerging entrepreneur clients; too busy to focus on what matters. Let's start with what matters: what your great at doing for clients! In short, it...