by Grant Sparks | Mar 5, 2022 | Grant Nieddu, Ignite Success, Radiate Purpose, Spark Training, Spark Vision, The Sacred
Spark Show ep. 244: 3 Keys to Powerful Ritual, Crypto Helping Ukrainians , & Other News! Why society needs ritual, and why it has been falling awayEmpowered by reconnecting with Ritual – 3 KeysThe Role of Crypto in the UkraineGalactic Wipeout! What happens...
by Grant Sparks | Feb 7, 2021 | Enjoyable Work, Grant Nieddu, Ignite Success, Spark Core Services, Spark Seasons, Spark Training, The Total Life Experience
Writers are people who write. Hikers are people who hike. You are not a writer because you have a typewriter or an idea for a book. You are a writer if you write. You are not a hiker because you have the gear or have plans for that great thing one day. You are a hiker...
by Grant Sparks | Jan 19, 2021 | Grant Nieddu, Ignite Success, Spark Seasons, The Sacred, The Total Life Experience
I have been quite distracted of late. I keep pushing off the discipline I need with excuse thoughts. “When I am working from the desk or home office again, I will write.” “When Marissa and I are good, then I will fast or eat right.” “When...
by Spark Admin | Nov 7, 2020 | Enjoyable Work, Grant Nieddu, Spark Seasons, Spark Vision, The Total Life Experience
Remember this today: you are made for far more than you have done to date. You know this, too. It is the source of your craving for “more”. Though the “More” craving can cause some angst, it pales in comparison to the self-doubt that arrives...
by Grant Sparks | Nov 2, 2020 | Grant Nieddu, Grant Nieddu Painting
How I Painted ‘Golden Bamboo Forest’ Actual Painting Time: 3 hours Paint Layers: 4 painted layers How I achieved this look in my latest painting. I fell in love with the final product of this painting. I was tempted to do more layers, but I found myself...
by Grant Sparks | Sep 29, 2016 | Enjoyable Work, Grant Nieddu, Ignite Success, Spark Seasons, Spark Training, Spark Vision
There is a ton of Thought Theft in the Knowledge Age. This is what it looks like. “There are times when you must rely on a person for something. If done repeatedly, however, it becomes taking advantage of that person, and is rude of a samurai.” –...