Spark Show ep. 244: 3 Keys to Powerful Ritual, Crypto Helping Ukrainians , & Other News!
- Why society needs ritual, and why it has been falling away
- Empowered by reconnecting with Ritual – 3 Keys
- The Role of Crypto in the Ukraine
- Galactic Wipeout! What happens when you crash 550 galaxies?
Good Rituals vs. Oppressive Rituals
There are three major components to what makes a good ritual. In this world today, it is difficult to find a place for powerful ritual. And, though there are many reasons to be wary of thoughtless oppressive rituals (rituals that create unnatural hierarchies and power disparity), having a powerful ritual to anchor yourself in the moment is important.

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on
Here are the 3 keys to a powerful ritual which I recommend you employ to have a centering force in your world!
- Physical: A powerful ritual is first and foremost physical.
- Intentional: A good ritual is next intentional, meant to bring meaning and purpose to the act.
- Attention: A solid ritual causes your mind and heart to awaken (as opposed to numb) to the experience around you.
We cover this and more in this episode of the Spark Show!
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